
Yogyakarta Indonesia

I received an email from Aisyah Hilal of the Cemeti Foundation in Yogyakarta with images of their project AkuOke! Some of the money that we raised in San Francisco for the earthquake relief went to support the project. AkuOke! was organized by the Cemeti Foundation to help kids from the earthquake sites help overcome their post earthquake trauma.

The Cemeti Art Foundation (CAF) is a non profit organization, which empowers visual arts infrastructure in Indonesia. Its core activities are documentation, research, and education. In implementing its programs and projects, CAF also builds networks with equal partner, in the scope of local, regional, as well as international | Yayasan Seni Cemeti (YSC) adalah sebuah lembaga nirlaba, yang mendorong pemberdayaan infrastruktur seni visual di Indonesia. Bidang utamanya adalah dokumentasi, riset, dan pendidikan. Dalam kerjanya, YSC juga membangun jaringan kerja dengan mitra sejajar, baik dalam lingkup lokal, regional, maupun internasional.

These images are from the Tegal, Kebongagung, and Sampangan villages.

I feel blessed to be connected to people who are doing such amazing work!!! I really miss all of you!